Clocking Systems for Healthcare and Care Homes
Our Clocking Systems for Healthcare organisations, and care homes, provide a host of benefits to team members and management alike. With the importance of ensuring correct staffing levels in the right places Staff planning is of paramount importance.
Do any of the following sound familiar in your Healthcare Organisation?
- A need to manage and control wage costs?
- Managing of temporary or agency workers?
- Planning 24/7 cover for a variety of Roles, not just Nursing and Care?
- Flexible staff planning requirements based on skills and experience?
- Managing shift handover times
- Excessive administration time in dealing with working time and absences?
- Managing domiciliary care workers and remote care in the community staff
- Knowing who is at work, and who hasn’t arrived for a scheduled shift
Why Choose Permatek for your Healthcare Time and Attendance System
Our Time and Attendance Systems provides an easy to use yet flexible solution to the issues we have highlighted above. We fully install and configure our solutions, working closely with you to ensure it is set up to meet your exact requirements
Healthcare Time and Attendance Features
Staff Time Tracking Staff Rota Scheduling Access Control
- Staff Self Service Kiosk
- Payroll Link
Employee Self Service Kiosk Payroll Link Absence Management
- Easily plan your team rotas and schedules via the Staff Scheduling Module
- Employees can see their planned shifts via Employee Self Service
- Employees can clock in (see below) and that information is visible in real-time in the system
- Intelligent shifts – 24 Hours, Waking and Sleepover calculations plus Handover Time taken into account
- Exception Management for lateness or missed shifts
- Agency and temporary worker management
- Multi-location management
- Remote, or domiciliary, time management
- Holiday and Absence Management
- Send your hours to payroll to save time and improve accuracy
- Inbuilt reporting and exporting
Variety of Clocking In Methods
Biometric Fingerprint Mobile Multi-Location Proximity Fobs
Our Services will ensure you get the very best from your new system
All of our systems include
- Full Professional Installation – Safe and thorough
- Expert Configuration to meet your specific requirements
- Bespoke training for you on your system at your pace
- Post Installation Support for any queries you have